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  • Sólo 5 € de envío*Sólo 5 € envío hasta 20 kg dentro de la UE*.
  • +45 3686 8080Lunes a viernes de 08-16:00
  • Servicio profesionalObtienes conocimiento profesional sobre todos nuestros productos.
  • Reseñas de 4+ estrellasNuestros clientes nos dan 4+ reseñas
+45 3686 8080 Mon-Fri 08-16.00
0,00 €

Technical Support

If you have problems or questions about your equipment, we are just one call or email away!

Because we both know and have worked with our products ourselves, we are able to provide technical support on the products both before and after you have purchased equipment from us.
Many things can be done over a fast phone call or TeamViewer session.
We provide this type of support which can be done quickly as a service, but if the task or challenges are something that requires a visit or takes several hours, then this is invoiced as support hours for EUR 175 ex VAT per. hour.

If we assess the technical support is beyond the common questions, then we will draw attention to this before proceeding.

OBS - Our support is only English speaking.


When we provide support on the phone, we often ask to be able to follow what you see on your screen and your settings.
For that we use the software from TeamViewer, which is a free piece of software that allows us to take over your screen and guide you.
The software can be downloaded here

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